Women's Crew to hold Tryouts

Santa Clara University women's crew will hold meetings on Wed., Sept. 23 and Thurs., Sept.24 for any SCU students interested in trying out for the team. No prior rowing experience is required. Those interested in both rowing and coxing are invited to attend.

These meetings will be held at 6;30 p.m. in the Daly Science Building, Room 206 (9/23) and Room 207 (9/24). Interested students should bring their fall class schedules to the meeting.

In order to participate in tryouts, individuals must be enrolled full-time during the fall quarter at Santa Clara University (minimum 12 units), have registered with the NCAA Clearing house and completed all the sport medicine forms, including the physical and medical history (http://santaclarabroncos.cstv.com/trads/sacl-sportsmedicine.html).

Please contact head women's crew coach Anne Kennedy at annekennedy12@gmail.com or (510) 207 6762 for more information.

Please note that no athlete will be allowed to try out until they have signed liability release paperwork.