CordeValle Collegiate Quote Sheet - 11/06/2006

Nov. 6, 2006


Head Coach Rob Miller, on tournament: "The guys got started on a tough part of the golf course. Holes 12 through 14 are very difficult. You'd really prefer to finish there rather than start there, but the guys were able to gather themselves and pull themselves back, which I think shows a lot of character on their part."

Miller, on team's performance: "They got off to a tough start, especially Jong (Yoon), but after that he played stellar. He got back on track and he was -4 on his last 12 or so holes. The last 28 holes, he has been great. Eric (Lillibridge) was solid all day, and (Scott) Travers did extremely well after bogeying his first four."

Eric Lillibridge, on his play: "I started out a little shaky. I bogeyed my first hole, but had great bounceback on the next. In the second round, I think I played solid throughout. I wasn't really thinking about my score too much. I just tried to play my game."

Lillibridge, on the competition: "In a tournament like this, 15 of the 17 teams are in the Top 30 in the nation. It can be a little intimidating I guess, but I tried to keep my game-face on. You just need to remind yourself that you are just as good a player as the rest, and if you do that, you'll be just fine."

Jong Yoon, on his start: "I got off to a slow start. It was weird because I just couldn't get focused on the first couple of holes. I was missing shots by a yard here and there, but I was pretty happy with the way I finished on the back 9."

Yoon, on his second round: "You know I just tried to put the first round behind me. I tried not to let it bother me. I just went out and played the course the best I could. I stepped up and swung fearlessly and I got really comfortable on the greens, putted much better and was able to stay focused."