At the Movies

May 23, 2003

Courtesy of U.S. Soccer

With summer upon us, we wanted look ahead to some of this summer's expected blockbusters, and we knew just the person to supply it. If she wasn't one of the top young playmakers in the world, U.S. Women's National Team midfielder Aly Wagner might be sitting next to Roger Ebert, giving thumbs up or thumbs down on the best, and worst, that Hollywood has to offer. The San Diego Spirit rookie, #1 pick in the 2003 WUSA draft, and resident U.S. Soccer movie critic sizes up this summer's stockpile of sequels and other anticipated offerings (sorted by release date) in the fourth installment of Aly at the Movies.

X2: X-Men United (Action / Released on: 5/5/03):
"Ordinarily, I would say that any movie with Hugh Jackman is a 'must-see.' But Hugh Jackman dressed as a wolverine just doesn't do it for me. And since when is science fiction back in vogue? It kind of seems like a movie for the modern day Trekkies."

The Matrix Reloaded (Action / Released on: 5/15/03):
"Can you say...'Aly: Reloaded'? I will see this as soon as I get some time. Some of my teammates saw it in Alabama on our last National Team trip and loved it."

Down with Love (starring Ewan McGregor and Renee Zellweger; Comedy / Release Date: 5/16/03):
"Ewan...I'm leaving you A ticket for our match against Ireland in Salt Lake City in June. Do not bring a date. I am number 10. See you after the game."

Bruce Almighty (Comedy / Release Date: 5/23/03):
"I love Jim Carrey. I also love Jennifer Aniston, except for the fact that she claimed Brad Pitt before I could even get a shot at him. Jim and Jen together? I don't know. (I'm) not seeing the on-screen chemistry there, but you can't discount that Carrey is a funny, funny man."

Finding Nemo (Animated / Release Date: 5/30/03):
"I actually love animated films, especially with all the technology they have nowadays. I think I will take my niece and nephew even though they won't get much of the humor. Some of these Disney films are pretty high-brow."

2 Fast, 2 Furious (Action / Release Date: 6/6/03):
"Is there such a thing? I do believe they used my driving as a model for this film. I generally use the speed limit as a 'guideline'...As in, 'Don't go below what is written on this sign.' But, I will be taking in the new flick."

Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (Action / Release Date: 6/27/03):
"Cheeseball my face off. Not a big fan. Could they be more obvious? Putting women in skimpy outfits, tight leather get-ups and editing the movie in such a fashion to make them look athletic and somewhat coordinated? Care to guess the target audience? I will not be spending my $7.50 to sit in a theatre with males ages 17-35...unless I was caught naked in a snowstorm and had to duck into the Cineplex. Actually, I might rent it. Shhhhhhh!"

Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (Action / Release Date: 7/2/03):
"He'll 'be back' for a third time? I hadn't heard that. Isn't Arnold too old to terminate anymore? Terminator 2 was one of the best sequels ever, so we can't count this one out."

American Wedding (American Pie III; Comedy / Release Date: 8/1/03):
"There are only a few movies that can pull off sequels. 'Godfather' and 'Austin Powers' come to mind. 'American Pie' is not on that list. It may provide us with a few chuckles, but nothing will ever live up to the first one. Still, I love Eugene Levy. After 'Best in Show,' I might go see this just to see him."