Kennedy Dinius Reflects on Santa Clara Soccer

Kennedy Dinius Reflects on Santa Clara Soccer

Written by Student Assistant Genre McAtee

Kennedy Dinius (KD) is a great example of an athlete who's trying to do it all. Dinius gives Santa Clara University (SCU) some insight into her busy life, and talks about the overlaps between soccer and other aspects of her life, such as track and field, cross country, schoolwork, and of course, a social life. 

SCU: How and why did you first start playing soccer?

KD: I started playing soccer when I was five and eventually started to play competitively for club/my region. I started to play because I loved being with friends and getting outside. 

SCU: How did running cross country and track in high school compare to playing soccer?

KD: Running cross country and track in high school was a big challenge when working with my soccer schedule. Running cross country allowed me to be in the best shape possible, yet it affected the shorter sprints I would have to do in a soccer game. I had gotten used to such long distances that I struggled to adapt back to an explosive sprint. Track helped me to use my faster footwork while maintaining tip-top shape. 

SCU: How does playing soccer affect your life off the field?

KD: Soccer has played a big role on and off the field. Off the field, it helps with time-management and my focus in the classroom. A lot of time is put into training, so I need to put remaining energy into my schoolwork. It also has given me a great group of friends that I am extremely grateful for. It is fun to step off the field, away from the intense competition, and be goofy with all my teammates. Lastly, playing soccer for SCU has given me a great appreciation for such an amazing school. It is such an honor to be a Bronco!  

SCU: How did playing on the Santa Clara women's soccer team affect your transition from high school to college? 

KD: Playing on the women's soccer team here at SCU helped with the difficult transition. The girls on the team were supportive and eager to answer any questions the freshmen had regarding classes, social life, etc. Everyone wants to be there for each other, which creates a loving environment. The coaches have every player's best interest in mind and are happy to help if you are dealing with an issue. Overall, it has been a great first year.