Postgame Quotes

Oct. 28, 2006

Recap |  Final Stats

Head Coach Jon Wallace

On the win:
"This feels really good. It is a good win for this group, being down 0-2, just to win and beat Saint Mary's was such a great win for us this year."

On the team coming back after dropping the first two games:
"We changed our defense around a little bit and tried to change the matchups. We asked the girls to not panic, but raise their level of play and I think they did that. We actually asked them to also play a little bit lower on the blocking and higher on the hitting."

On the performance of Brittany Lowe:
"Brittany Lowe played with an amazing amount of aggression today, got a lot of rattles through the net, and that gave our team a real positive boost. That aggressiveness fed into the rest of the girls."

"She made plays and got the big kills for us. Bottom line for us to be good the rest of this season, we need Brittany Lowe, Anna Cmaylo and Kim McGiven to have great nights. We're going to go off of those three."

On starting the WCC's second half 2-0:
"This win is huge, we gotta get a certain number of wins to even make the tournament right now, and this is one of those that we had to have before we go on the road. Hopefully now we will be much better with the energy from this win carrying over into next weekend, and hopefully for the rest of this conference season and into the NCAA Tournament."

Outside Hitter Brittany Lowe

On the win:
"It feels really, really good, everyone was very happy in the locker room afterwards, because during the break we talked about how the first two games didn't matter and that we could still come back and win. We worked so hard in our last few practices, and it feels so good to win."

On her string of solid performances:
"Jon's had a lot of pep talks with me about building my confidence and getting back to where I was hitting last year. I've also been reminding myself of how good I can be, and it is helping me out there in the matches."

On the team's turnaround in today's match:
"We stayed steady but stepped it up more. We didn't play badly the first two games, we just didn't play hard enough. We just went for it in the last three games and that helped us win."