Postgame Quotes: Santa Clara 3, No. 15 San Diego 1

Nov. 3, 2007

Recap |  Final Stats

Head Coach Jon Wallace

On Caroline Walters breaking the school and conference digs record:
"Her accomplishment this afternoon is an amazing feat. She beat out some amazing players for that record including Lia Young who held the record since 1993. We are all extremely proud of her."

On the key to success in the fourth game:
"We got into a good rotation that gave us great match ups. We trusted it and stayed aggressive. In that timeout when we were down four points I told the team all we need is a burst of energy right now and who knows what could happen and I believe the turning point was in Brittany Lowe's block, which was unbelievable."

On playing the remainder of the season on the road:
"We've settled into a routine now that no matter where we play, home or away, we will put forth the same effort."

On Lindsy Evans' performance:
"Lindsy's energy was great today. She was a little off Thursday night but she really brought it today. Her serve was on fire and her blocking was great. She was really agressive."

On Crystal Matich's serving:
"She's found her rhythm and we've really unleashed her last week. She's hitting harder and is much more consistent."

Sophomore Lindsy Evans

On upsetting San Diego for the second time this season:
"It's undescribable. That's all I can say."

On the key to success in the fourth game:
"We had to be a tougher and more agressive team. We needed to not get down and frustrated with each other. I think that's something that San Diego does. We needed to believe in one another and get over whatever mistakes where made."

On playing the remainder of the season on the road:
"We need to stay focus. We can't think that we've already won it all. We have to play just as hard as we have been and record three more wins."

On her team's determination:
"Everyone played great games today. Between the ups and downs, everyone stepped up when they were needed and then there's Caroline. We are all so happy for her breaking the digs record."