Women's Water Polo Takes Two at Claremont Tourney

Women's Water Polo Takes Two at Claremont Tourney

March 2, 2002

CLAREMONT, Calif. - The Santa Clara University women's water polo team won two games at the Claremont Tournament today, defeating Villanova in a 9-8 nail-biter and following that with a come-from-behind victory over Whittier, 9-4. The Broncos improve to 9-5 on the season.

The scoring for the Broncos in both games was almost identical: Carly Carpenter, Becky Hong and Kelley Mays scored two goals each in the game against Villanova, while Katy Shumm, Elizabeth Glotzbach and Sara Schmitt added one each. In the second contest, Hong, Carpenter and Shumm had two each while Glotzbach, Mays and Schmitt added one goal apiece. Anne Ginotti registered six blocks in the cage during the first match and added four more in the nightcap.

"We got off to a slow start against Whittier and found ourselves down 4-1 at the end of the first quarter," Bronco head coach Steve Hanson said. "Then we woke p and got focused and shut them out 8-0 the rest of the way."

The Broncos continue action at the tournament tomorrow, taking on host Claremont at 9 a.m. to complete pool play. Santa Clara will have a chance to revenge last week's loss to CS Bakersfield when the Broncos face them again later on Sunday afternoon.