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Official website of the Santa Clara broncos

Postgame Comments From Portland

Jan. 28, 2001

Recap| Box Score

Dick Davey
"Anytime you win on the road, you walk out of the building very happy about the fact that you won. I think we also know that it was a very sloppy game and ill played from the standpoint of shooting the ball. A win is a win is a win as they say and we are happy to have it."

"I thought Jamie (Holmes) got himself into positions on the floor where we could really utilize him. He made some tight baskets in close, which is what we are looking for. We are looking for more layups since our shooting percentage is down so much. He also made a critical turnaround jumper from about 12-feet late in the game. Brian Jones is not shooting the ball as well as he would like him to. I know that. He knows that. But, we need him on the floor. He does so many other things for us with steals and free throws in the clutch. He will get it back and start shooting it a little better as the season goes along. At the same time, we have to have him on the floor, even if he isn't shooting it well."

"Of the last seven games of the season, we play five of them on the road. So, if we can scrape out four or five road wins it would be a tremendous advantage to us. San Diego is a team similar to us. Playing on the road is going to be tough. They are very experienced. They are very intellegent and they play a very good team game. They don't fould much and they don't out you on the line. They have a lot of attributes that we are going to have to counter. Being on the road is going to also make it doubly tough to beat them."