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Howard Limburg Looks Back: How Crew Enriched His College Experience

Howard Limburg Looks Back: How Crew Enriched His College Experience

By Sara Vierra 15' 

Howard Limburg  (HL) is a senior on the Bronco men's crew team at Santa Clara University. Starting his freshman year in college, Limburg believes being a member of the crew team all four years shaped and made his college experience. From going curling with his team to having to row side by side with members of the women's team in order to compete at the San Diego Crew Classic, Limburg has had some of his most memorable moments of college with his team. 

Limburg shares more about his experience with the Broncos and life after college when he sat down with the Santa Clara Broncos (SCB). 

SCB: Why did you decide to start rowing?

HL: I decided to start rowing because I wanted to join an active organization that would allow me to compete. Originally, I thought I would become extremely active within intramural sports (which I still participate in occasionally). However, the crew team stood out to me at the club fair because it was a varsity sport that was mostly comprised of walk-on athletes. This sparked my interest and competitive side because it would allow me to compete against other schools while representing Santa Clara. 

SCB: What do you like most about rowing and being on the team at Santa Clara University?

HL: I would have to say that there are two things that I like most about rowing and being on the team here at SCU. First, the friendships that I have made have definitely made the early mornings and tough workouts worth it. I can honestly say that the team is my second family. Other than going to practice, we have had family dinners, memorable movie nights, countless breakfast burritos from Café Rosalena,  gone curling, and much more. 

SCB: What has been your most memorable moment with the Broncos?

HL: My most memorable moment would have to be from freshman year at the San Diego Crew Classic. The San Diego Crew Classic is traditionally only an eight-oarsman boat event. My freshman year, we only had six rowers and a coxswain and therefore we didn't know if we would be racing at the event. We drove down to San Diego and found out that we would be racing with a couple of women from the women's team to fill our boat. We were only able to practice a couple of times with them in the same boat but we were able to beat USC (our unofficial rivals of our novice year). 

SCB: Now that you are a senior, how do you feel about your college experience?

HL: Looking back on my college experience, I have enjoyed pretty much everything about it. Santa Clara provided a great education that allowed me to pursue my interests. Rowing at Santa Clara has been an amazing experience and I honestly wouldn't know how else I would have spent my time at SCU without it. Crew definitely has taken up a majority of my time; I can't tell you how many times I have said "Sorry, I can't. I have crew." when people ask me to go do things. Nevertheless, because they are great friends, they understand and I am able to hang out with them when I do have time. 

SCB: What are your plans after college?

HL: After college, I will be working for Ernst & Young in their IT Risk and Assurance organization out of their San Jose office. 

SCB: Will rowing continue you be a part of your life?

HL: Rowing will definitely continue to be a part of my life after graduation. Since I will be living and working in the area, I will be able to go see and support the team when they race.