Monday, February 7th the Bronco Bench Foundation hosted the Endowment Dinner at the Santa Clara Marriott. The theme of the evening was "Honoring Your Benefactor". Beginning in early August, each team participated in a 45 minute program designed to educate them on the history of the Bronco Bench Foundation and to begin the process of creating a relationship with the person or people responsible for funding their scholarship. As a way of honoring their benefactors, every member of every team wears a patch on their uniform. It was a way that the student-athletes can say thank you.
Prior to the Endowment Dinner, the student-athletes had shared letters, Christmas greetings, birthday wishes, and phone calls with their benefactor. As the benefactors arrived, they were greeted at the door by their student-athlete. It was obvious in almost every case the benefactors and student-athletes had connected. It was wonderful and touching to watch their interaction. ]
During the course of the evening, several student-athletes and coaches spoke on the importance of the Bronco Bench and the significance of the Endowment Dinner. The event came to a roaring close as the Santa Clara University Cheer Squad, Dance Team, and Pep Band lead the 200+ attendees in singing the Santa Clara Fight Song.