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Official website of the Santa Clara broncos

Stanford Invitational Quote Sheet - 9/30/06

Sept. 30, 2006


Head Coach Tom Service, on meet results: "I thought we performed really well here. They took a very serious approach, and that was demonstrated by the women's 5k where Danielle (Miller) took 3rd and Aly (Erickson-Wayman) took 5th, and in the men's 8k where Dan Smith broke the 26 minute barrier, so all and all, a very good day."

Service, on 4k races: "4k is a funny distance. Stanford is the only one that runs it in the United States. Both Katie, Alyssa and the guys performed really well."

Service on Andy Backus' effort with only one shoe: "I think he set a PR record for Santa Clara runners, running the longest distance with one shoe - No doubt about it!"

Danielle Miller, on race: "I felt good. It was a little bit hard because I don't usually run by myself, but I felt strong. I probably could have done it faster, which is good looking forward."

Miller, on Long Beach State's attendance: "It was definitely fun. It would have been tough if I had to run in the same race as my old team, but it was nice because I had a lot of support from high school, and Long Beach, and friends."

Aly Erickson-Wayman, on race: "I actually had quite a bit left, which was ok I guess. I had some trouble figuring out the course - There were a lot of ropes everywhere. I prefer just running in the woods on trails than on grass."

Ben Snyder, on race: "It was a lot easier than doing 8k. I like the running the short distances better since I am more of a track person. It was a lot more fun."

Snyder, on course: "It was great. It was like in high school. It was really fast and easy. There weren't really any hills or anything, so it was nice."

Jay Cadwell, on race: "I'm glad it's over! Nah, it was a nice little race. It was a good break from the usual five mile course that we do. It was refreshing to do the shorter race and I'm enjoying my first year running cross (country) for Santa Clara. It was a great day to be a Bronco."

Andy Backus, on losing his shoe: "Some Stanford guy kicked it off near the starting line - One shoe, for the whole race! If it had been anywhere else but Stanford, it would have really hurt my performance, but I had a good finish." 

Daniel Smith, on race: "Definitely it was exciting. Stanford has always been an exciting race for me, and I've always run good here, so I definitely had plenty of motivation to run fast. My parents and my little sister were out here today so it was nice for them to see me race."