2012-13 Bronco Highlight Video
With at least 50 of the more than 60 Santa Clara graduates in attendance, and a number of Bronco coaches and administrators as well, Santa Clara Athletic Director Dan Coonan hosted the annual Bronco Senior Send-Off on Thursday night in the Leavey Center. It gave everyone a chance to say goodbye and to thank the seniors for all their efforts athletically and academically.
The seniors were presented with the Bronco Student-Athlete Stoll that they will wear for graduation on June 15 at Buck Shaw Stadium and Coonan delivered a message of thanks to the seniors.
"Our senior send-off party has become one of our favorite events of the year because it allows the Athletic Department a time and place to formally thank our student-athletes for all they have done for Santa Clara in the past four years, and for the way they represented this University," said Coonan. "Our staff and coaches become so invested in these students that we need this moment to say a proper goodbye. We also take the opportunity to provide them with their student-athlete graduation stoles - our gift to them - and to deliver the message to them to stay connected with Santa Clara, as being in this Bronco family will continue to enrich their lives throughout each new decade in their lifetime."
Senior water polo goalie John Nash was also thankful of all the Broncos have done for him. "These have been a great four years for me – the best of my life. I have developed friendships and bonds that will last a lifetime. I am sure I will stay connected with the Broncos for a long time."