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Women's Basketball's Katie Hawkins Talks About Her New Lifestyle as a Bronco

Women's Basketball's Katie Hawkins Talks About Her New Lifestyle as a Bronco

By Tomomi Menjo '13

SANTA CLARA, Calif. – The Santa Clara Broncos women's basketball team has three new freshmen faces on the roster for the 2012-13 season. Katie Hawkins, Courtney Lisowski and Brooke Gallaway all look forward to getting out on the court for October practices. Moving from her hometown of Snohomish, Wash., Hawkins is both nervous and excited about her current transition. Hawkins (KH) caught up with (SCB) during their team photo shoot prior to school starting up, and again earlier this week. The Broncos have their first exhibition game against UC Santa Cruz here at the Leavey Center on Nov. 1 at 7 p.m.

SCB: Why did you choose Santa Clara University?

I liked the all around atmosphere of the team. It was family-like. I also think the campus is beautiful! On top of that, education is great here too.

SCB: What are you excited about for your freshman year?

Just being able to play at the next level and experiencing the whole college athlete deal is very exciting.

SCB: Are you nervous at all?

Just a little. It will be a faster pace than before, but I am mostly excited about everything!

SCB: What is your personal goal this year?

I would like to improve all around in defense and ball handling.

SCB: It has been about a month since your last interview. How are things going so far? With the team and school?

Things are going very well! With school, I am happy I took summer classes because I felt like it has prepared me for the school year so far. With basketball, things are going well too. We are just starting to be able to do team workouts with our coaches and conditioning.

SCB: You moved from Washington. How has the change been impacting you?

The weather change is sure nice! Since I've been here for almost two months, it hasn't rained a single day, so that's something I am not used to!

SCB: What has been difficult for you since your move to SCU?

The most difficult thing is definitely being home sick at all times. I am very close to my family and friends. Luckily, my team has helped me get through that when I am feeling home sick.

SCB: What do you like about SCU so far?

So far, what I like the most about SCU is just the all-around feel. I love my team and coaches. There is never a dull moment. There is always something going on to keep me busy, which I like!

SCB: In terms of your team and girls, anything you were surprised about?

Not yet! Coming in, I already felt like I knew most of the girls pretty well because of my visit last fall. I clicked well with all of them.

SCB: What are you doing to prepare yourself for the season other than team workouts?

Other than team workouts, conditioning and playing pick up, when I have time I always try to go in and get extra shots, whether that be on the machine or with another player. We are also playing two-on-two and four-on-four frequently to work on pick and rolls.

SCB: Any message to the SCU community?

I am very excited to be a Bronco. I can't wait to start our season, so please come support us!